Friday, December 18, 2015

Second Verse, Definitely NOT the Same as the First

The birth of my first child was a long, hard labor. It was an experience I wouldn't trade for anything. I learned a lot about myself through that labor. The birth of my second child was a complete surprise. Even my midwife, who had cautioned me that second labors often go faster than first labors, said it was almost unheard of to have such a huge difference in length and difficulties of labors in the same mama. Our second child, AL, was born 2 days after his due date, after a 5ish hour labor, and exactly 2 pushes. BC slept through the whole thing. We called my mom, who was on deck to be with BC while I labored, at 5:02 AM. "Okay. Real labor has started so you should come over now." Not in a panic. Not even especially to rush her. Just, you know, it's time. She walked in at 5:18 AM to see my husband on the floor, holding me, holding our new son. The midwife missed the birth by about 10 minutes. I now have the distinction, and distinct honor, of having "caught" both of my children. In case you're wondering, yes, I feel like a badass.

AL was latched by the time he was 15 minutes old and nursed for a solid 2 hours. BC asked to "see the placenta" and was fascinated. He may want to be a midwife when he grows up. We are all settling in quite nicely.

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