My Sweet Boy,
This morning as we lay snuggled in bed, not yet ready to let our feet feel the chill of the floor, I said "Happy birthday!" in a quiet voice. "Is it my birthday today?!" you cried. "It is" I said. "Oh, YES! My birthday is today! I've been waiting and waiting..." and then you were off. Off and running. Rousing your brother and Papa, making the proclamation known: It's my birthday today!
Today is your third birthday. As the lone extrovert in our little family your soul light has no trouble shining. It is bright and it is beautiful. You still love to sing, still are the most tactile person I know, enjoy plays on words, good stories, play cars and other things lined neatly in rows. You love people and beauty. You. love. your. big. brother. You can't wait to be a big brother yourself to "your baby" next year. Your enthusiasm for life, coupled with your nearly constant stream-of-consciousness-soliloquy, tends to wear your introverted Mama (and Brother) out. But when I sit back and take all that is you in I cannot help but beam. You are the person I always wished I could be. That magnetic personality, boundless energy, and comfort and ease with people is infectious. I am learning, day by day, the lessons you have for me.
I am so glad I get to witness your beautiful soul. Thank you for making me a Mama twice over.
Happy Birthday!
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