Sunday, April 24, 2016


Ready? Deep breath. Four years. Four. You, my child, are my heart. For these past four years I've watched you grow from baby, to toddler, to now kid. I look at you with wonder. How did I grow you? How did I birth you? How did I get so very lucky? This has been a year of transitions for us, with more to come in the near future. Yet, you are my constant. My constant reminder to slow down, to appreciate, to be okay with imperfection, to forgive easily, and to breathe.
Before you were born I expected I would have a child who I loved and who brightened my day. I expected to be changed by motherhood. I expected a little person with my hands and my husband's eyes. But I never expected you. You are my unexpected joy, my unexpected teacher, my unexpected friend, my unexpected challenge, and my unexpected breath. You, and now your brother too, are my child. Today you are four. Today, and tomorrow, and all of my forevers, I love you with my whole heart and my every breath.
